Smooth, soft, touchable skin is an important indicator of a woman’s care and love for herself. Modern ladies are more than just attractive, they are educated and smart, and therefore they have a responsible approach to choosing methods of getting rid of unwanted hair. Highest standards of quality and safety plus proven effectiveness are the requirements.
For laser hair removal sessions at yullia premium beauty chain we’ve chosen SHR – Super Hair Removal: no pain, no discomfort, no marks. Perfect result no matter how sensitive and intimate the area is.
How does SHR – Super Hair Removal method work?
The treatment is performed using the equipment by world-famous brand Alma Lasers.
This device allows you to prevent the risk of burns due to the built-in temperature control system: the treated area is heated gradually, neither thermal nor pain shock occurs. A local cooling of the skin works simultaneously with the effect on the hair follicle, which eliminates any possible discomfort or scarring.
At yullia salons only qualified and certified specialists perform SHR hair removal sessions.
In your effort to get a beautiful body with smooth soft hairless skin, you no longer need to compromise on your own comfort. No pain, no discomfort or stress, no downtime. Only complete safety and pleasure from the result!
The method is effective for all hair types, all skin tones and all ages, it is the only one allowed for children and adolescents. Clinically proven results, no side effects, 30-minute “lunchtime” sessions – that is all about SHR laser hair removal.
The service is available at all branches of yullia premium beauty chain.
If you have any questions, our beauty experts will be happy to provide you with individual consultation.