Getting ears pierced for the first time is a kind of family ceremony usually shared with mom or elder sister.
No-gun ear piercing is the most advanced and innovative technology on the market. This delicate and painless method is undoubtedly the best for the very first procedure, whether it is done to a toddler, teenager, or adult.
Treatment |
Single Treatment Price |
Ear Piercing - Gold Earings | ₪359 |
Ear Piercing - Gold Coating Earings | ₪189 |
Many girls and boys express the desire to wear beautiful earrings in their ears, but such a wish often causes certain concerns among parents. Caring mom and dad always want to make sure that their child is safe and avoid any risks, while an unfortunate piercing may cause a lot of troubles and side effects.In order to make young fashionistas happy and their parents confident and calm, yullia premium beauty chain has launched no-gun ear piercing service. 100% sterile, hypoallergenic and painless method using a disposable kit. The unique method suitable for a person of any gender and age.
All the specialists who perform ear piercing procedure at yullia are qualified and experienced professionals. They completed specialized trainings and are able to ensure utter safety during the session.
The whole manipulation takes a few seconds, and the healing process requires close to no effort.
We pay special attention to the psychological aspect of ear piercing and make sure that the child feels as comfortable and relaxed as possible.
No pain, no allergy, no risk, no stress. Pleasant memories, beautiful earrings, your child’s gratitude and joy is all that remains with you.